Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 10 Albums of 2008

Listening to: I Was a Lover by TV On The Radio

I decided to be highly unoriginal and write a blog on my top 10 albums of 2008. I would recommend you check these albums out, or at least take a peep at the key tracks mentioned. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

10. 'Breakout' - Miley Cyrus

Okay, so she's a predictable Disney star. But whatever, despite how annoying and full of herself Miley may be... she made one damn catchy album. I may or may not have taken the long way home more than once to extend a rock out car jam session with this album. I'll leave that up to you to decide. Just forget 'Wake Up America' ever happened, and this album is the best thing to happen to tweens since purity rings.
Check out: 'Goodbye', and 'Bottom of the Ocean'

9. 'Vampire Weekend' - Vampire Weekend

I came across this band when they were MTV's band of the week. I hadn't really paid attention to the music on the commercials... but they were so hilarious I decided to check out their stuff. I was pleasantly surprised that not only are they hilarious, but their music kicks ass. Upbeat and fun, this album is one that I never get sick of. Although, sometimes I have to wonder what they're even talking about.
Check out: 'Oxford Comma', 'A-Punk', and 'Bryn'

8. 'Lights - EP' - Lights

Lights is one of the skinniest chicks I've ever seen, but girl has a sound bigger than you'd imagine. She rocks a keytar, for fucks sake. You might remember her from the catchy Old Navy commercial singing 'The Last Thing On Your Mind'. Yes? I had the privilege of seeing her this past summer at Summerfest in the dirty town of Milwaukee. She was really the only person I had in mind to see from the lineup on the day I was there.. and she proved a worthy time killer before seeing John Mayer.
Check Out: 'Drive My Soul', and 'White'

7. 'Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust' - Sigur Rós

Sigur Rós has been a favorite of mine since high school after a friend turned me on to them. I enjoy listening to music I can't understand, and especially music I'm not always supposed to understand (because some of Sigur Rós' stuff is made up words). I can assure you I DID jam out to 'Gobbledigook' in the car many a time, it's a fab summer song. They may be an acquired taste, but I suggest you learn to digest it.
Check Out: 'Gobbledigook', and 'Með Suð Í Eyrum'

6. 'Kyle Riabko and Boots Factor Are...' - Trevor Jackson

You might recognize Kyle from Spring Awakening, his solo CD 'Before I Speak', Youtube, and his short stint as bass player with Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers.. and you might recognize Boots from Youtube, his solo CDs 'January Bridges' and 'Dead Language Demos', or possibly as the drummer for Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers. Together, they are a mix of hilarity and kick ass. One minute you're listening to this EP and laughing so hard you're crying, and next thing you know you're seriously crying. Fabulous.
Check Out: 'Not Down With That', and 'Brookyln Dreams'

5. 'Sounds Like This' - Eric Hutchinson

I can't even remember where I stumbled upon the gem that is Eric Hutchinson, I think on some music blog awhile ago. So while I made a pit stop at the best store on Earth this summer, The Electric Fetus, I made sure to purchase his album. This is one of those albums that has you smiling through every single track, and then begging for more when it's over. It was brought to my attention that Perez loves him? You know that only means he'll be big. Hooray!
Check Out: 'Rock & Roll', and 'OK, It's Alright With Me'

4. 'Gold Noise' - Everybody Else

Nothing gets me more than good music, and a band that treats their fans like royalty. BAM, there you have Everybody Else. These guys are so boss, and their music is like eating your favorite food through your ears. It's hard not to favor a band that has told you they like your robot dance moves, and high fives your head on accident only to wrap your noggin in a big apology hug. Ah, good times... great oldies.
Check Out: 'Wake Up', and 'Best Friend'

3. 'Circus' - Britney Spears

You can just put the head shaving and Adnan Ghalib craziness behind you because BRITNEY IS BACK, bitches and there's nothing you can do about it. I have hot tix to see her in April as well, and I have no doubt it is going to blow my mind. (/endbragging) This album makes me want to dance all night, as long as I skip 'My Baby', a track that makes you think 'One of these things is not like the other...' I feel as if I'm right back to 1999 and coveting my '...Baby One More Time' album like it's the holy grail.
Check Out: 'Circus', and 'Lace and Leather' (and 'Amnesia'... it's not on the US release of the album but it's floating around out there if you dig through google)

2. 'The Glass Passenger' - Jack's Mannequin

I've been head over heels in love with Jack's Mannequin since my sophomore year of highschool when someone rightfully told me I had better check them out. Needless to say, it was Christmas in September when this album came out. It's filled with so many songs obviously relating to his battle and triumph over leukemia that are so beautiful they hurt. What can I say, I'm a sucker for piano pop.
Check Out: 'The Resolution', 'Spinning', and 'Annie Use Your Telescope'

1. 'Take The Walk EP' - Hanson

Anyone who knows me well enough is surely rolling their eyes at my number one pick for 2008, but I could care less. This EP is filled with songs inspired by the work they've done in Africa, and it is so catchy even the most MMMBop-hating, long haired despising, boy band resistant person will be rethinking their previous judgements on the trio of brothers. If ever you are given the chance to see 'Lay Me Down' live (or on this EP for that matter), bring tissues... it is a big sloppy mess of emotion that I can't listen to without a tear or two. I will never forget when Taylor Hanson saw me singing with these songs and said 'Well, I see some of you know the words!' Oh, JT.
Check Out: 'Follow Your Lead', and 'Hope It Comes Soon'

Happy New Year's Eve, and here's to a musically inclined 2009! (bah, it even rhymes!)


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Coffee never tasted so good.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I like playing games in the pool, who invited Steve? That dude's a cunt.

Listening to: Ardy Party by Incredibad

I need to express my rage. It snowed around 5 1/2 inches early in the AM on Friday. Friday was my mass comm final. The roads weren't bad, it didn't snow during the ENTIRE day time. My fucking college canceled all classes. My mass comm prof decided to cancel the final forever, and everyone is stuck with the grade they have up until the final. Now you'd expect I'd be like WOOOOOO NO FINAL! NO FINAL!!! But let me just give you two words explaining why this is the lamest shit on earth: 88 percent. THAT IS 2% AWAY FROM AN A. 2% I WOULD HAVE GAINED FROM THAT FINAL BECAUSE I STUDIED MY ASS OFF. I'm sorry you're lazy as hell, PROFESSOR, but my grade and GPA is actually important to me. How hard is it to post it online, make the test close at midnight tonight or tomorrow, and then you can have your grades submitted on time Monday? Oh, that's right. You're lazy, and you fucked me in to a 3.6 GPA instead of my planned 3.8 GPA. *SIGH* I honestly can't get over how angry I am...

In other news, my family and I risked our lives on uber treacherous highways to get to Hudson for our family Christmas party today. I saw at least ten cars in the ditch on the way there and back. People were going 45 on the highways, and it took us 2 1/2 hours to get home... when normally its about an 1 1/2 trip. Oh, god. Well everyone got home safe, that's all that matters.

I started reading 'Here's The Story' by Maureen McCormick, aka Marcia Brady. I'm not very far in yet, but it's kind of pathetic how excited I am to read it. I'm like 20 pages in and already she's dishing secrets about how her mom was born with syphillis and stuff. CRAZY.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bought me all those pretty presents, I feel like I'm in paradise

Listening to: Merry Christmas Baby by Hanson

Working downtown is finally awesome. After three years of fun little perks, (discussing John Mayer & Jennifer Aniston's relationship with Art Garfunkel and peeping around the Secret Service to see the first President of Iraq shopping for history books) there are actually real, planned, coordinated activities happening just outside where I work! Yesterday and today, Santa was out in his little decorated hut while kids (in a huge line!) waited to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. There were even REAL reindeer. Today I saw Santa walk to his hut, and I yelled (rather loudly, to my embarrassment) "IT'S SANTA!" My coworker was like... "oh my were serious." ....SO. God, people need to stop bah humbugging all over my holiday spirit.

If you missed Andy Samberg, Akiva, and Jorma AND a lil appearance by Justin Timberlake on SNL last night singing 'Jizz In My Pants' you need to go watch it right now.... because it made my life. (here, I'll even link you)

A year ago today, all us girls were up seeing Hanson at First Ave. WHAT A DAY. I miss that day like whoa. That was seriously the best concert ever.. minus the extreme cold while waiting outside. So I'll leave you with some pics to remember the absolute fun that day was because I have nothing more to discuss.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Word Salad

Listening to: Swing That Tambourine by Kristoffer Ragnstam

Ohhhh, karma is the biggest bitch!!! And no one knows it better than O.J. Simpson! His ass is finally busted for SOMETHING (planning a heist to rob back his allegedly stolen items). Locked up for 33 years, with the possibility of getting out in 9. That's the way shit hits the fan when you kill your wife and get away with it. His crocodile tears mean make me lol.

In happier news... guess who's seeing BRITNEY SPEARS in April?! Yeah. Me. Be jealous. I'm jealous, and I'm going.... I can't even really imagine seeing THE Britney Spears in concert. Let alone a concert that's set up to be a circus. Is it April yet?

Today I went out and bought 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' by JK Rowling. I'm really excited about it. Plus, after my awesome 40% employee appreciation week discount it was only about $7.50. I also bought Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. Unghhh, it's so good. I'm not even a big tea person, but this tea rocks my world. Am I the only person who enjoys it when their tea gets really cold after being really hot?

Next random topic:
Things I LOVE about the holidays
-Hanson music on our work Xmas station
-Baking cookies
-Friends & family
-Decorated trees
-Cancelled classes
-Merry Christmas, Baby
-My bookstore
-Snow boots
-Warm pajamas
-Xmas lights

That's all, folks.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. -- Anthony Brandt

Listening to: Trainwreck by Demi Lovato

Truth be told, I have the coolest family ever. This Thanksgiving weekend solidified that belief so many times over. For one, I have a HUGE family. (on both sides, but we spent Thanksgiving with my Dad's side) This year we decided to have our Thanksgiving celebration at Frontenac State Park. You can rent out a little shelter deal they've got there. It's really nice because it takes the stress of house cleaning/preparing off of whoever is "hosting". Plus, there is plenty of running around room for the young energetic cousins. Not to mention, it's absolutely beautiful. This year not everyone could make it but there was 22 of us that showed up to celebrate together. It was really fun, and filling.

As if the day couldn't be any more fun, one of my aunt's/uncle's has a cabin about an hour away that we all spent the night at. So ALL the cousins (minus five of them) and a few aunts & uncles packed in and spent the night together playing games, singing karaoke, eating, chatting, etc. At one point a huge nerf-gun war broke out and the entire cabin (which is actually just a house on a lake rather than a cabin) was a battleground. It was so fun. Food was cooked until the second we went to bed, the last pumpkin pie was taken out of the oven around 11 pm. We woke up around 8:30am to cousins raiding the room wanting to snuggle. Then got up a bit later to a breakfast of pancakes, pears, kiwi, hard boiled eggs, coffee, milk, cereal, pumpkin pie... basically, the best breakfast ever. The lake had frozen over just enough, so later on everyone broke out their ice skates and skated on the lake. After about an hour, you could see the ice swaying on the unfrozen water beneath it. So that could only mean one thing..... time for a game of lawn hockey. Our team won. :) We went inside after and drank some hot chocolate, sang karaoke, played some ping pong, and then split up. Some people stayed in and messed around playing Christmas music, and others such as myself opted for archery. I hit the milk jug right on. But got schooled by my 13 year old cousin, Graham, when he nonchalantly owned the Root Beer bottle with the last arrow in the quiver. We ate lunch, had a short lived last Nerf battle, and then goodbyes were said.
It was one of the best weekends I've had all year. I wish it could happen every weekend. I hope your Thanksgiving was as fantastic as the one I was blessed with. There are so many things to be thankful for, and it's so easy to get caught up in the negatives.. but I hope you found thankfulness in something as simple as your family! Here's to a happy holiday, and many more!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I like it and I do what I like, and then you do what I like, and you like it.

Listening to: Lace and Leather by Britney Spears

You know it's a stressful week when you have three canker sores. Welcome to my fucking life. I want to bite my tongue off. Sophomore slump can kiss my ass. I'm so sick of school. I need a break like whoa. Christmas, where are you?!

Okay, I'm sorry. I have to say it. Plug your ears, Twi-hards.
What the FUCK happened?! Twilight sucked big huge dick. I mean, I knew it was gonna be up there on the cheese factor scale.. but.. RLY?! I'm convinced "Bella" aka Kristen Stewart is a robot who does not know how human beings act. The upside = staring at RPattz for 2 hours. I'm totally okay with that. Also, wtf JASPER. HAHA. His eyes.. cracked me up. Here, for those of you who are like.. oh man, I kinda wanna go see it... I'll spare you the trouble.

Bella: *looking down, twitching a bit* ".............................."
Edward: *looking confused, and hot* "..............................."

*music that makes no sense with the scene*

Bella: ".........................."
Edward: "....................."

roll credits

Whatever, I'll re-read that book ANY DAY. But if I want to rewatch the movie, I'd rather watch it online illegally than go pay for it.

In other news, Britmas came early for me. I can't stop listening to Britney Spears' new shit. She can do no wrong, and if you feel differently you can just step to the left and peace out.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Shine your light down on me

Listening to: The Minute by the Push Kings

As many of you know, it's been a rough week for my family and I. My 17 year old cousin was killed in a car accident on Tuesday. It's so heart breaking and sad. My heart is aching for his father, brothers, sisters, and classmates. It's been tough, but I do believe that time heals and that while it might not get easier it will become a bit more bearable. I am so lucky to have such a large supportive family and an amazing group of friends who have helped me and checked in with me to make sure everything was going as okay as it possibly could. I really appreciate all the prayers, well wishes, good vibes, etc. from everyone. You've all helped more than you know.

In happier news, my mom received a box of stuff that was her dad's today. He was a World War II vet and acquired some of the coolest things. He has a purple heart from his service in WWII, a Nazi pin he must have picked up in Germany that says something like "The Day of the German Voyage" in German on it, money from places such as Uruguay, Brazil, Japan, Germany, and other places. He even has American money, coins from 1907 and bills from 1915. There are a couple hand written notes and a compass among many other things. I'm such a history nerd, so to actually be able to see this stuff and touch it and have some sort of connection to it is really cool. I wish I would have been able to meet my grandpa to be able to talk to him about all the stuff. I want to know the stories behind everything.

p.s. I need some concerts to look forward to. Why is no one good coming to Minnesota any time soon?!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Let me give you a taste of my inbox from last night's crazy election day happenings.

"You: soil & water conservation district 4"
(write in vote, bitches! HERE I COME)

"NBC has it even higher at 103"
(referring to the electoral votes in favor of Obama early in the night)

"It's over, honestly."
(crowd goes WILD as news reports that Obama has won Ohio)

"Uh's a baROCK and rolling Obamarama..."

"It's better than Palin being a heartbeat away, I'll give you that much."
(Words from the indifferent)

(and so begins the texts as we all come to realize Barack is our next president)

"OMG I know!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!!"

"OBAMA!!!! Hells yes!"
(I then received about four more of these texts throughout the night, all from Reed)

"Fuck yeah Obama!!! I can't believe it!!!!"

"woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so cool...the first time we ever voted was for the first black president!"

"She knows she's not going anywhere."
(In reference to Palin's teary eyes during McCain's concession speech)

"I know. You must be so disappointed that McCain lost."
(I can't remember if this was sarcasm aimed at me, or what we were even talking about)

"OMG girl I can't believe it!! :D"

"Happy next 4 years!"
(One of my favorite texts of the night!)

"We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign. All of this happened because of you. Thanks, Barack."
-Obama texts
(Here come my happy tears all over again)

"Franken took the lead!"
(Right as I signed off because it was obvious Norm was staying in the lead. And now it's a recount. Ugh, fml)

"Coleman leads by about 500 with 100% reporting."
(not what I want to hear in the morning)

"Waking up I'm not so happy. Coleman wins and prop 8 passes... dems are no where near the 60 they need. Oh, and Bachman wins."

"Ugh the senate results are probably going to the state supreme court too...this could take months."
(And so we wait)

"Bittersweet day, I tell you!"

(These were not even all of the texts I received regarding the election last night. I had to clear my inbox out about quite a few times)

Let me just say, I have never been more proud to be an American or a Democrat in my entire life. The way people came out in droves to place their vote, waiting in lines for hours (luckily I got right in and right out), especially the young people who no one had faith in to actually make it to the polls... made me more proud than I can even say.
Listening to Obama's acceptance speech was beyond surreal for me. I remember when he came to the civic center two years ago and I went and saw him thinking "There's a possibility this man might be our next president" before he even made it official, seeing him less than ten feet away before things went absolutely nuts for his campaign. It's just crazy, and gratifying, and amazing. All around me, people were hugging and crying and breathing a huge sigh of relief. I know I was one of them.
I came home and re-watched his speech and I couldn't even stop the tears. America showed her true colors, and I can only hope (although I know in my heart) that Obama will bring a new energy and life to America, one we all know she so desperately needs.
I can feel the change that is making it's way to America as we get closer and closer to 1/20/09. And while I know some people are having a tough time adjusting to the reality of a new day with a brand new leader, I hope that you will find some respect and decency in you to stand behind the man who will lead our country for the next four years.

Here's to the next four years, and the guidance of a wonderful new leader. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I can roll with the punches as long as I feel that I'm in control...

Listening to: Rock & Roll by Eric Hutchinson

This year Halloween was a bit different than it's ever been. I feel like I've never had to really look for something to do on Halloween, thanks to trick or treating. (Well, I suppose I didn't trick or treat last year.. but whatever) Beckah and I were at a loss for what to do. So we did what any normal girl does when she's bored... we went to Planned Parenthood.
Bahah, okay. So maybe it was the first time we'd ever gone there. We each got an abortion (JK JK JK), so we set up appointments to get some free BC so we can sleep around (JK JK we're not that cool) we can keep our complexion beauutifulll because my derm is a bitch and won't prescribe it to me. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN? THE DERM @ MAYO CLINIC CAN'T GIVE ME BC?! WTF FU MAYO CLINIC. TOP OF THE LINE MY ASS), and we made it in and out protestor-free. (an unusual occurance for a Friday). So, we made our way to the bowling alley to say hayyyy to Beckah's mom and her class who got to bowl because it was Halloween or something. (I want to go back to 6th grade rn... you don't get to go on field trips to the bowling alley in college, ugh.) So we fretted about transfer applications and douchey school counselors and then found out that Beckah apparently already had an appt. @ PP so we had to go cancel it, and much to our delight... THERE WERE PROTESTORS. We were like kids in a fucking candy store. We zipped up to Planned Parenthood and parked RIGHT in front of it. Cancelled the appt. then decided it was completely necessary to drive the long way home just so we could drive past the we get next to them and we're getting all giddy and excited. So I look at Beckah and I'm like, "Roll down your window... and scream, ITS MY BODY" So the green turn arrow pops up, and it was fight or flight... so we chose both. Beckah screamed (like a champ, I might add)..."IT'S MY BODYYYYY!!!" at them. They looked up and we sped off like BAMFS. Long story short: I hate PP protestors.

Then she goes home to be all healthy and run, and I go home to do homework and I'm TRYING to do my homework and the Republicans could not give me and OUNCE of peace. I'm typing up discussion question answers involving the debates, and THREE times in an hour (I kid you not) they call. The first time the phone rings, I pick up... long ass pause.. I hang up because I figure it's a telemarketer/phonebanker. About ten minutes later, the same thing happens. I hang up. About 20 minutes later, the phone rings and I'm like OKAY WTF. So I listen, and sure enough it's the god damn GOP calling to tell me that I need to vote for a president that won't ruin our children's futures and will SUPPORT OUR VALUES. SO I'm like, oh halllleeee no. I then begin to talk loudly over her so that she will STFU with her propaganda... "UMMMMMMM, AND THESE ARE NOT MY VALUES." Click. I was hoping they would call back one more time, because I had Obama's DNC speech all set and ready, turned up at full volume, to blast back at their stupid slander. Long story short: I hate GOP phonebankers.

Halloween was pretty fun. Beckah and I dressed like burritos and got free Chipotle for dinner. Then we carved pumpkins. It was pretty awesome. My sister's bff's parents came over for a bit to drop off my sister's friend.. and they didn't seem to take to warmly to my dad's joke. "I told her to carve McCain/Palin in to her pumpkin... because that would be a scary pumpkin." ...... and they were like "......" so my dad added.. " her." BAHHA. I was like WTF EVER. (Clarification: My pumpkin has OB on one side and AMA on the other... my pumpkin is just too huge to get a pic w/ the entirety of it) Then we were like ummm, so we went to the Dairy Queen and got coupons for a free dillybar or cone for dressing up, which we didn't but Beckah's got the connecs. Then we went and saw Zack & Miri Make a Porno. I fully intended for it to be one of those movies that looks really good but ends up being an okay waste of time and I'd never watch it again. Well, I was like sobbing the entire way through the movie. It was so damn great. I luhhhh Seth Rogan. Srsly, we can get married at any time now. Call me, BB!!!

I'll spare you one last long story and make it really simple for you: GO VOTE ON TUESDAY. You can fuck yourself if you think your vote doesn't count for anything.

Ummm, I probably just made a few frenemies from this last entry. Ugh, tevz.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

And there's no regrets, it's only you that I miss...

Listening to: My Sweet Charade by Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers

Last night was SO much fun! Beckah & I had bought tickets for Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers basically way back in...hmm.. August.. July? I can't remember exactly. Needless to say, we were looking forward to this concert.
Beckah and I went up to Minneapolis pretty early, we intended to just walk around and find things to do and then get in line early enough to get front row. First, Beckah locked her keys in her car right as we got to the parking lot. We were like OH FUCK because obviously it's an hour and a half back home and no one is going to be very happy to bring us spare keys up. So we're freaking out, and I'm like okay.. we'll try my keys just to see if we can wiggle the lock. Um, my key worked perfectly and unlocked her door. We were crying we were laughing so hard. WHEN DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN!? Exactly, never.
Well, it was cold as hell all day long and there wasn't a whole lot to do. We got lunch at a really 'vivacious' (to say the least) Jimmie Johns in Dinkytown that had a thing for loud reggae music. We ate fast and then sat on this bench by the Varsity theater for awhile before we decided it was way too cold to be outside. So we went to this cute coffee shop and had a cookie & pb chocolate rice krispie bar and a delicious almond steamer. Then we sat out in front of the theater, number 1 & 2 bitches!, and waited for like 2 hours. Goose totally walked out and we saw him walking around Minneapolis chatting on his cell phone a couple times. Boots came out, too. But no one seemed to notice this but us?
It was hilarious when we got let in because we were the very first two to get let in. So we picked our spot right up in front row center. There was no barrier so we just set our shit down on the front of the stage and chilled. The place took a while to fill, but when the concert started it was PACKED. The concert was awesome. Stephen started crying while singing '4th Street Moon'. It was so touching! I wish I could go see them all the time.

We got pics with all of them after. They were so nice & fun. They each took one 'good' pic & one funny pic with us. Claire told Kit that we thought they were really entertaining and he's like "Thanks! So were you guys up in front row!" Then we died.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Curvy girls unite...

Listening to: One Way Or Another by Kate Voegele

I came across this article after a friend told me about it. Read for yourself:

"So much for men not finding Posh attractive – the Jonas Brothers have revealed that they really fancy her. The American boyband picked Victoria as the person they’d most like to send into space (bear with us, we’ll explain all in a second) because “she would show aliens the perfect body of a woman.” Stick thin with big fake boobs? Oh dear, that makes us cry a bit. The boys picked Posh as part of a Bebo project called A Message From Earth, a digital time capsule which will be beamed into space from the National Space Agency in Ukraine. Yes, that makes our heads explode a bit too. We’d imagine that the Jonas Brothers aren’t the only ones who’d like to send Posh into space, although for rather different reasons…"

You know half the teenage Jonas-loving population is about to barf up their Happy Meals and beg mommy & daddy for a gym membership as a Christmas gift.
This article infuriates me. They are so set on being role models for kids to look up to... they watch their mouth, dress appropriately, wear purity rings, and basically follow the Disney guidelines to a tee... but what kind of example is this setting for their young fans? Their fans already follow every word they say like Jesus Christ said it himself and if you don't follow it you're on a one way trip straight to Hell. In a society already too focused on looking like stick figures, telling your fans that Victoria Beckham has the "perfect body of a woman" is probably not setting the best example.

We all have our qualms about our figures, myself included. But let me just tell you, there is no way I'd want to look like Victoria Beckham. I like my real ass and tits.

Holla at the curvy girls!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

If you're shopping for my Christmas gift already...

Listening to: Fljótavík by Sigur Rós

Oh my god, I'm peeing myself over this book. It's quite possibly one of the funniest books I've picked up all year, and I pick up loads of books each week...considering I'm a dinosaur when it comes to who has worked the longest at Barnes & Noble.

I present to you: I Love Ranch Dressing: And Other Stuff White Midwesterners Like by Cara Freie.

This book is pure genius! On the page about track suits it refers to "fat people (i.e. White Midwesterners)". 2true 2true.
Among other things, white midwesterners like (and I can tell you they are all 100% truth)
-Finished basements
-Free refills
-Cinnamon-scented homes
-Black Music (and I quote directly from the book "White midwesterners crank up the black music like they were born in a recording booth at Mo-Town Records.")
-White wicker
-Acrylic nails with French manicures
-Illegal fireworks (god damn, so true. illegal fireworks are HUGE with Minnesotans)
-Wedding receptions at the VFW (I'm dying!...this couldn't have hit the nail more squarely on the head! )

I'm so pissed I didn't think of this first.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fresh starts, new beginnings, first impressions, & all that jazz.

Listening to: Close Call by Rilo Kiley

I've been trying way too hard to think of a "good" way to start a blog, and I can't seem to come up with one. Lack of creative genius or whatever. Does one introduce herself, or not? I assume the people reading this (if any) already know me or think they do. Oh, and rock stars. How could I forget? They TOOTTALLLY know me. Right, guys....?.... guys..?

The rundown:

-I'm 19. I could say halfway to 20 but hey, I'm not trying to throw myself in to a quarter life crisis yet. I've got a few good months of teenage-hood left in me.
-I'll correct your grammar and spelling to no end... but I speak primarily in abbrevs and internet lingo.
-I have a very dry/sarcastic/offensive sense of humor that is constantly enabled and coddled by my friends.
-I'm addicted to chapstick.
-Music. If you already know me than you know I have a rather eclectic collection of music, don't like to be interrupted while listening to it, and could talk about it all day long. I've also been to more concerts than the average person. (yeah, I'm
-I live in Minnesota. It's boring as halllleee, unless you enjoy corn fields, fugs accents, hunting, and unnaturally long winters... all of which I can do without. Those aren't even things you can say "But no, really... they made me who I am today." about.

My screen name is nothing but the truth. I've walked in support for shoeless children in Africa multiple times. Ask me about it, it's a great cause.

I can't guarantee my blogs will be interesting, safe for children under 13, or something I'll continue to do.. but tevz, you never know.

Well, I'm running on empty thanks to this post-tour death cold I've contracted (idk how the hell rockstars do it), and I've got a million (really important) things to do tonight (buy Mary Jane candies so I can overindulge in eating them later, traipse in to work and find some books I don't need but must have, and maybe hit up Savers to buy some clothes that no one else wanted and I have no room in my closet for).

Until next time, yours truly, sincerely, whatever.. you get the idea.. I'm out.