Saturday, October 18, 2008

And there's no regrets, it's only you that I miss...

Listening to: My Sweet Charade by Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers

Last night was SO much fun! Beckah & I had bought tickets for Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers basically way back in...hmm.. August.. July? I can't remember exactly. Needless to say, we were looking forward to this concert.
Beckah and I went up to Minneapolis pretty early, we intended to just walk around and find things to do and then get in line early enough to get front row. First, Beckah locked her keys in her car right as we got to the parking lot. We were like OH FUCK because obviously it's an hour and a half back home and no one is going to be very happy to bring us spare keys up. So we're freaking out, and I'm like okay.. we'll try my keys just to see if we can wiggle the lock. Um, my key worked perfectly and unlocked her door. We were crying we were laughing so hard. WHEN DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN!? Exactly, never.
Well, it was cold as hell all day long and there wasn't a whole lot to do. We got lunch at a really 'vivacious' (to say the least) Jimmie Johns in Dinkytown that had a thing for loud reggae music. We ate fast and then sat on this bench by the Varsity theater for awhile before we decided it was way too cold to be outside. So we went to this cute coffee shop and had a cookie & pb chocolate rice krispie bar and a delicious almond steamer. Then we sat out in front of the theater, number 1 & 2 bitches!, and waited for like 2 hours. Goose totally walked out and we saw him walking around Minneapolis chatting on his cell phone a couple times. Boots came out, too. But no one seemed to notice this but us?
It was hilarious when we got let in because we were the very first two to get let in. So we picked our spot right up in front row center. There was no barrier so we just set our shit down on the front of the stage and chilled. The place took a while to fill, but when the concert started it was PACKED. The concert was awesome. Stephen started crying while singing '4th Street Moon'. It was so touching! I wish I could go see them all the time.

We got pics with all of them after. They were so nice & fun. They each took one 'good' pic & one funny pic with us. Claire told Kit that we thought they were really entertaining and he's like "Thanks! So were you guys up in front row!" Then we died.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Curvy girls unite...

Listening to: One Way Or Another by Kate Voegele

I came across this article after a friend told me about it. Read for yourself:

"So much for men not finding Posh attractive – the Jonas Brothers have revealed that they really fancy her. The American boyband picked Victoria as the person they’d most like to send into space (bear with us, we’ll explain all in a second) because “she would show aliens the perfect body of a woman.” Stick thin with big fake boobs? Oh dear, that makes us cry a bit. The boys picked Posh as part of a Bebo project called A Message From Earth, a digital time capsule which will be beamed into space from the National Space Agency in Ukraine. Yes, that makes our heads explode a bit too. We’d imagine that the Jonas Brothers aren’t the only ones who’d like to send Posh into space, although for rather different reasons…"

You know half the teenage Jonas-loving population is about to barf up their Happy Meals and beg mommy & daddy for a gym membership as a Christmas gift.
This article infuriates me. They are so set on being role models for kids to look up to... they watch their mouth, dress appropriately, wear purity rings, and basically follow the Disney guidelines to a tee... but what kind of example is this setting for their young fans? Their fans already follow every word they say like Jesus Christ said it himself and if you don't follow it you're on a one way trip straight to Hell. In a society already too focused on looking like stick figures, telling your fans that Victoria Beckham has the "perfect body of a woman" is probably not setting the best example.

We all have our qualms about our figures, myself included. But let me just tell you, there is no way I'd want to look like Victoria Beckham. I like my real ass and tits.

Holla at the curvy girls!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

If you're shopping for my Christmas gift already...

Listening to: Fljótavík by Sigur Rós

Oh my god, I'm peeing myself over this book. It's quite possibly one of the funniest books I've picked up all year, and I pick up loads of books each week...considering I'm a dinosaur when it comes to who has worked the longest at Barnes & Noble.

I present to you: I Love Ranch Dressing: And Other Stuff White Midwesterners Like by Cara Freie.

This book is pure genius! On the page about track suits it refers to "fat people (i.e. White Midwesterners)". 2true 2true.
Among other things, white midwesterners like (and I can tell you they are all 100% truth)
-Finished basements
-Free refills
-Cinnamon-scented homes
-Black Music (and I quote directly from the book "White midwesterners crank up the black music like they were born in a recording booth at Mo-Town Records.")
-White wicker
-Acrylic nails with French manicures
-Illegal fireworks (god damn, so true. illegal fireworks are HUGE with Minnesotans)
-Wedding receptions at the VFW (I'm dying!...this couldn't have hit the nail more squarely on the head! )

I'm so pissed I didn't think of this first.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fresh starts, new beginnings, first impressions, & all that jazz.

Listening to: Close Call by Rilo Kiley

I've been trying way too hard to think of a "good" way to start a blog, and I can't seem to come up with one. Lack of creative genius or whatever. Does one introduce herself, or not? I assume the people reading this (if any) already know me or think they do. Oh, and rock stars. How could I forget? They TOOTTALLLY know me. Right, guys....?.... guys..?

The rundown:

-I'm 19. I could say halfway to 20 but hey, I'm not trying to throw myself in to a quarter life crisis yet. I've got a few good months of teenage-hood left in me.
-I'll correct your grammar and spelling to no end... but I speak primarily in abbrevs and internet lingo.
-I have a very dry/sarcastic/offensive sense of humor that is constantly enabled and coddled by my friends.
-I'm addicted to chapstick.
-Music. If you already know me than you know I have a rather eclectic collection of music, don't like to be interrupted while listening to it, and could talk about it all day long. I've also been to more concerts than the average person. (yeah, I'm
-I live in Minnesota. It's boring as halllleee, unless you enjoy corn fields, fugs accents, hunting, and unnaturally long winters... all of which I can do without. Those aren't even things you can say "But no, really... they made me who I am today." about.

My screen name is nothing but the truth. I've walked in support for shoeless children in Africa multiple times. Ask me about it, it's a great cause.

I can't guarantee my blogs will be interesting, safe for children under 13, or something I'll continue to do.. but tevz, you never know.

Well, I'm running on empty thanks to this post-tour death cold I've contracted (idk how the hell rockstars do it), and I've got a million (really important) things to do tonight (buy Mary Jane candies so I can overindulge in eating them later, traipse in to work and find some books I don't need but must have, and maybe hit up Savers to buy some clothes that no one else wanted and I have no room in my closet for).

Until next time, yours truly, sincerely, whatever.. you get the idea.. I'm out.